Dunia pasti ditinggalkan pergi sedangkan akhirat sudah siap sedia menanti.
Oleh itu, jadilah kamu sebagai anak-anak akhirat dan janganlah menjadi anak-anak dunia.
Hari ini adalah hari beramal bukan hari dihisab, sedangkan esok adalah hari dihisab bukan hari beramal.
[Saidina Ali kwj-Kitab Sahih Bukhari]

15 November 2011

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Fear and Acception


Assalamualaikum. Bonjour  
At first...it really dissapointed. But then, i like it. I think they are major of 'open mind' people. It's New York. Agree ? Yes. Because we don't and can't judge people based on their association, religion or something like that. If you want to know how someone is, you should know him. If you want to know how some association or religion is about, learn about it. Not the people. Not the believers. But the religion. MashaAllah. Together we pray, InsyaAllah, one day, Islam will win. You know how hard to make others understand about Islam sometimes. So what i'm talking actually ? Eheh let's watch this video.

Finished already ? Yeah. Alhamdulillah. And one more news that make me said. And i'm sure you too. 'Gejala Murtad' di Sabah. Allahuakbar. Let's read and Muhasabah.

Syeikh Saad Al Kandahlawi,"Gejala murtad tidak akan berlaku dalam ummat ini jika setiap ummat menajdikan diri mereka dae'i "

Jazakallah. Moga bermanfaat walau sikit. kbai ! !
.قد بارك الله فيكم. Moga bermanfaat walau sikit. kbai


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Thanks. siapa yang komen memang hebat macam action kamen dan comel macam upinipin. May ALLAH bless you :)